There are many air conditioner repairs that you must have done to your unit to make sure that it has efficient and reliable performance, prolonging the system's life and reducing energy consumption. Yet, it is often the case that homeowners will not effectively follow the best practices for repairing their units. In particular, there are several steps that may help to restore your unit's performance.

Clean Condenser Coils

Condenser coils play a crucial role in cooling, transferring heat from indoor to outdoor air. Over time, these coils accumulate dirt, dust, and debris that can reduce their efficiency, forcing your air conditioner unit to spend more energy to maintain comfort. Dirty condenser coils can also lead to higher energy bills and premature wear on your AC system.

To clean condenser coils, turn off the power to your air conditioner, and remove any protective grilles or casing surrounding the outdoor unit. A soft brush and a vacuum cleaner with a brush attachment can effectively gently remove debris from the surface of the coil fins without damaging them. You may also use a commercial coil cleaner according to manufacturer instructions. Finally, rinse the area thoroughly with water before reassembling any removed parts.

Check Refrigerant Levels

The refrigerant in your AC system absorbs heat from indoor air and releases it outdoors during cooling cycles. Insufficient refrigerant can cause inadequate cooling performance, while too much refrigerant results in higher energy consumption and potential damage to the compressors.

Checking refrigerant levels requires specialized equipment and knowledge. Therefore, hiring an HVAC professional for this task is advisable rather than attempting it yourself. They will measure the pressure inside your system using gauges explicitly designed for this purpose while monitoring temperature readings across the cooling cycle.

Lubricate Moving Parts

Lubrication is essential for smoothly operating all moving parts within your air conditioning system, such as motors and fan bearings. Proper lubrication reduces these components' friction, noise, and wear, improving overall efficiency and extending their life.

It is advised that you lubricate your air conditioner's moving components once a year or as directed by the manufacturer to keep it running smoothly and efficiently. This may involve applying a few drops of oil to specified ports or greasing certain components in line with the instruction manual.

Test Thermostat Accuracy

The thermostat regulates the temperature settings of your home's HVAC system. An inaccurate thermostat can result in uneven indoor temperatures, reduced comfort levels, and even increased energy consumption due to frequent starting or stopping of your AC unit.

To test your thermostat's accuracy, place an accurate thermometer next to the wall-mounted device without touching it directly and wait several minutes before comparing readings from both instruments. If there's a discrepancy between them, recalibrate or replace the thermostat following manufacturer guidelines. 

For more info about AC services, contact a local company. 
